5 Qoin
5 Qoin
5 Qoin
Brisbane Small Business is running a Business Reboot Boot Camp!
This is a collaboration of local business owners who want to support other to build a sustainable growing business.
Three Phases:
1. Refocus: To build Clarity around your business and smash overwhelm
2. Refresh: Exploring the processes and systems to build consistency and Confidence in your business (both internally and with prospects)
3. Reignite: Action cures Procrastination, and this third section delivers a planned approach to action!
Each week, there's 4 programs around a weekly theme... Choose the Highest impact one for you
There's 12 Weeks: plotting a path for you to Refocus-Refresh-Reignite your business.
PLUS BONUS Sessions by local Brand names.
OR: You can pick and choose what interests you and get a quick shot of inspiration...
The We Love Business option is there for you to enjoy!